
Send your SEPA-mandates through PayByLink.

Obtaining a mandate

Using PayByLink, you can have the customer sign a mandate in various ways. Depending on the chosen solution, a (SEPA) mandate contract is required from your own bank. You can also choose to have the authorisations run through your own Payment Service Provider (PSP) or Mandate Service Provider (MSP). In PayByLink, you can now make a number of choices. You can choose the currency in which the authorisation will be issued, the text of the accompanying email, when you want to send reminders, and the expiry time of the link to issue the authorisation. Have you made the choices? If so, then you are ready to create authorisations using PayByLink.

mandate-obtaining a mandate

Creating mandates

There are three ways to create a mandate in PayByLink. You can create a mandate manually in the PayByLink dashboard. Similarly to sending payment links, you can choose to send a message by email or text message. You can also send a batch of authorisations to several email addresses at the same time by importing an Excel or CSV file into PayByLink. For fully automated sending of authorisations, you can use the PayByLink API. In all cases, your customers will receive an email or text message with a link to the Mandate Service Provider for issuing a SEPA mandate.

Type of mandate

In PayByLink, you can digitise two types of authorisation depending on your needs. The CORE type is required for transactions with consumers, who have the right to reverse payments. A reversal, also known as a chargeback, is a consumer’s option to reverse a direct debit booking. If a reversal occurs or something goes wrong, you can send an email with a payment link to ensure that the outstanding amount is paid. The second type of authorisation, B2B, is for transactions between companies. These types of mandates cannot be reversed. Of course, you can also digitise both authorisations through PayByLink.


Digital signature

A mandate requires a digital signature. You can arrange this in various ways using PayByLink. You can have the mandate signed like a digital contract. In the Netherlands, you can do this by means of your Internet banking. The signature is then placed using a 0-cent amount through a payment process similar to iDEAL. When a mandate is issued through the Mandate Service Provider, the first amount is paid immediately, which means the mandate and payment are both arranged in one go. Another method is to ask the customer for a mandate with a 1-cent transaction. This option is supported by PayByLink, but is not an official SEPA mandate.

More information on PayByLink

Can you can do that in the way that suits you best: by e-mail, by text message or by using a QR-code.
Send your requests manually, through mobile POS, in a batch or automated through an API.