
Effortlessly send large numbers of payment links simultaneously by email or text message.

Send batch files

PayByLink enables you to send a batch of payment links simultaneously to multiple email addresses by importing an Excel or CSV file with one or more transactions into PayByLink. You can determine the order of the spreadsheet columns yourself, since PayByLink does not require them to be in any particular order. However, the columns must be provided with so-called ‘header names’. All kinds of transactions can be imported in one batch, such as fixed payments, variable payments, partial payments or mandates. You can also specify for each batch when you want to send the payments, when the payment link expires and which email template must be used.

batch-send batch files

"Mapping" instead of programming

Your back office system can most likely generate a .CSV or a comma-delimited file with transaction information. This type of file can be used for batch import in PayByLink. These files have a fixed layout in columns, which is no problem for PayByLink. The fields from your spreadsheet required for sending the payment link must be linked once to PayByLink’s system fields. PayByLink uses mapping for this purpose, which is a user-friendly technology for linking fields without programming. Once this has been set up, sending a batch of payment links is simple.

Manually or automated

Importing batch files can be done manually or automatically by means of (s)-FTP. To carry out a manual batch import, you select a file to be sent from your PC, network or cloud in the PayByLink dashboard. This manual version enables you to import as many as 5,000 transactions at a time. If you choose an automated import, the number of transactions is unlimited. Whether you choose the manual or automatic option, PayByLink enables you to effortlessly send large numbers of messages with payment links simultaneously.

batch-manually or automated

More information on PayByLink

Can you can do that in the way that suits you best: by e-mail, by text message or by using a QR-code.
Send your requests manually, through mobile POS, in a batch or automated through an API.